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Showing posts from November, 2018


CHRISTMAS IS COMING!! HAVE YOU GOT AN ADVENT CALENDAR AT HOME? HERE YOU ARE A VIDEO ABOUT A GIRL WHO RECEIVES THE VISIT OF AN ELF EVERY DECEMBER. THIS YEAR IT WAS HIDDEN IN A BALOON, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?? SOMETIME ELFS CAN BE A LITTLE BIT NAUGHTY!! BUT PAY ATTENTION BECAUSE THEY ARE  FATHER CHRISTMAS REPORTERS, THIS IS, THEY ARE IN CHARGE TO TELL FATHER CHRISTMAS ABOUT YOUR BEHAVIOUR. SO FOLLOW MY ADVICE: TRY TO BE GOOD IN CASE THERE IS A HIDDEN ELF IN YOUR HOUSE.... Nadal ja s'aproxima!! Teniu calendari d'advent a casa? Avui us deix un vídeo sobre una filleta que cada desembre rep la visita d'un elf. Aquest any estava amagat dins un globús, increïble no? De vegades els elfs poden ser un poc pillos!! Però, estau atents perquè els elfs són els missatgers del Pare NOel, açò vol dir que li expliquen si us portau bé. Així que seguiu el meu consell: intentau portar-vos bé per si de cas teniu un elf amagat a casa vostra... TUESDAY 4TH AND WEDNESDAY 5TH ENGLISH CL


HELLO, THIS WEEEK THERE WAS NO PASSWORD TO GET INTO THE CLASSROOM, HOWEVER YOU WILL HAVE TO WRITE A COMMENT ON THIS POST TELLING ME SOMETHING THAT YOU HAVE GOT. Hola, aquesta setmana no hi havia contrassenya per entrar a la classe d'anglès, però haureu d'escriure un comentari en aquesta publicació explicant alguna cosa que teniu. HERE, YOU CAN WATCH THE VIDEO ABOUT FIFI'S BATH TIME TO REMEMBER HOW WE USE THE VERB HAVE GOT IN ENGLISH Aquí us deixo el video del bany de na Fifi perque us ajudi a recordar com utilitzam el verb have got en anglès. MOREOVER, HERE YOU ARE AN EXAMPLE ABOUT ME: A més us deix un exemple sobre jo mateixa:  I HAVE GOT LONG CURLY HAIR, I HAVE GOT GLASSES (SOMETIMES), I HAVE GOT BIG EYES AND A SMALL NOSE. I HAVE GOT ONE BROTHER. I HAVE GOT ONE CAT AND ONE DOG. COME ON!! I WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE GOT!!!

4th grade A Early morning dancing

GOOD EVENING, THIS TIME I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE WITH YOU THE VIDEO WHERE YOU CAN SEE THE A GROUP DANCING THE SONG "THE DAYS OF THE WEEK" ENJOY IT!!! Hola, aquest vegada voldria compartir amb vosaltres el vídeo de 4rt A ballant la cançó dels dies de la setmana. the days of the week performed by 4th A


I AM POSTING THE SCARY SKELETON SONG SO YOU CAN PRACTISE THE PARTS OF THE BODY PLAYING THE GAME THAT IS BELOW THE VIDEO. Compartesc amb voltros la cançó de Scary Skeleton, així podreu practicar les part del cos jugant al joc que hi ha just devall del vídeo THE SCARY SKELETON


HELLO! HOW ARE YOU? I HOPE BETTER THAN ME... I HAD SORE THROAT THE WHOLE WEEK 😭😭😭, BUT NOW I'M SO READY FOR MONDAY!! HERE YOU ARE THE QUESTION WHICH WILL LEAD YOU TO THE NEXT WEEK PASSWORD: CAN YOU TELL ME A PART OF YOUR BODY IN ENGLISH? Hola! Com estau? Esper que millor que jo... i és que he passat una setmana amb angines 😭😭😭, però ara ja tenc ganes que sigui dilluns!! Aquí teniu la pregunta que us portarà a la contrassenya de la pròxima setmana: Em podries dir una part del teu cos en anglès? MEANWHILE, HERE YOU HAVE A SONG TO SHAKE YOUR BODY!! SHAKE IT OFF,  SHAKE IT OFF, WHICH IS WHAT I INTEND TO DO WITH MY SORE THROAT ;) (shake it off en anglès significa treure's de damunt) Mentrestant, aquí teniu una cançó per moure l'esquelet!!


HELLO ON THIS FRIENDLY FRIDAY!! TODAY I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE WITH YOU SOME OF THE SONGS THAT WE SING AND DANCE  ON THE EARLY MORNING SESSIONS. MOREOVER, AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE YOU CAN FIND A LINK TO THE VIDEO OF THIS MORNING SESSION WITH THE 4TH GRADE B. Bon dia en aquest Friendly Friday! Avui m'agradaria compartir amv vosaltres algunes de les cançons que cantam i ballam en les sessions de primera hora.  Baix de tot de la pàgina hi trobareu un enllaç que us portarà al vídeo de la sessió d'avui matí amb el 4rtB.   ON THIS LINK YOU CAN WATCH THE VIDEO En el link podeu veure el vídeo 4th graders B Dancing!!! NEXT WEEK THE 4TH GRADE A La setmana que ve el 4rt A Have a nice weekend!!

6th and 7th of November password

Hey!! I couldn't post the password yesterday... but the 4th graders A did a great job this morning answering the question with such short notice!! Congratulations you'all!! Ei!! Ahir, no vaig poder penjar la contrassenya... però els de 4rt A han contestat molt bé aquest matí tot i no saber la pregunta amb antel·lació. Enhorabona a tots i a totes!!! So 4th graders B, snatch the opportunity of Knowing the questions and try to answer it just as correct as the 4th graders A. Així que alumnes de 4rt A aprofitau l'oportunitat de saber la pregunta de demà i intentau contestar tant bé com han fet els de 4rt A. The question which answer will lead you to the password is... La pregunta de la qual és resposta la contrassenya és.... WHEN IS YOUR BIRTHDAY??    (mine is May 13th ;) ) QUAN ÉS EL TEU ANIVERSARI??? (el meu és dia 13 de maig ;)) Here there is some help In case you don't remember the months in English Aquí us deix un poc d'ajuda per si no


Good Morning, next Thursday 8th of November we will do an English test. On this test the students will have to put into work all the contents that we have been working during the last month, this is: Grammar structures such as: I like/I don't like   He/She likes/doesn't like Do you like....? (Bon dia! el pròxim 8 de novembre farem una prova d'anglès. En aquest exercici els alumnes hauran de posar en pràctica tot el que hem après al llarg del passat mes. Es tracta dels continguts següents: L'estructura gramatical per dir quan una cosa ens agrada o no: I like/ I don't like,  Per demanar a algú si li agrada alguna cosa: Do you like...? Per parlar de si a una tercera persona li agrada una cosa o no: She/he likes, she/he doesn't like) In this link you can find the studied vocabulary for this didactic unit. This sheet is form an activity that we made: a survey about the most popular hobbies in the classroom. ( En el següent link trobareu els vo


Good Morning! After all this blackout experience let's back to normal!! This week we have been performing "The presentations"; each student introduced himself or herself in front of the class, talking about his or her hobbies and sharing other personal information. The goal of this activity is to increase our self-confidence when speaking in public. To do so, this activity is evaluated from 3 different points of view: 1. Coevaluation: each is student is evaluated by his or her mates. 2. Heteroevaluation: each student is evaluated by the teacher. 3. Selfevaluation: each student is evaluated by himself or herself. This third evaluation was impossible to complete, due to the lack of electricity we couldn't record the students while there were speaking. Anyway, we will do it in the future. In the links below you can find the most important skills to put into practice when we speak in public. They were decided by the whole class, as well as they value, therefore y